Framework For Successful Legal Partnering Revealed In Newest Book On DuPont Legal

Corporate legal departments looking for a better way to work with outside counsel - and conversely, those law firms that serve corporate clients - have a new resource to turn to, The Competitive Edge - The Growing Power of the DuPont Legal Model, written and recently released by DuPont Legal. The 80-page book details the latest innovations of the renowned DuPont Legal Model, a partnering process that has increased efficiencies and saved the Company millions of dollars since its debut in 1992.

"The DuPont Legal Model takes a business-focused and results-oriented approach to law, thereby helping law firms and corporate law departments improve the quality, cost and efficiency of their legal services," said chief editor of the book, Thomas L. Sager, vice president and assistant general counsel of DuPont Legal. Stacey J. Mobley, senior vice president, general counsel and chief administrative officer of DuPont Legal, wrote the introduction.

"The Model was created in the early '90s and guided us through a period of tremendous change," Mr. Sager said. "And, as new challenges have tested the Model, we have refined it, particularly to respond to the advances of technology and the emergence of the global economy."

The book provides the latest examples of successful partnering methods that can be applied to any legal department or firm. It is divided into 14 chapters and covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • An overview of the DuPont Legal Model;
  • The benefits of strategic partnering;
  • Efficiencies realized from using information technology;
  • Using early case assessment to determine strategic direction;
  • Negotiating alternative fee arrangements;
  • The rewards of having a diverse legal team;
  • Maximizing paralegal talent;
  • Establishing metrics to measure success.

Copies of the book, which contains full-color charts and graphs, are available for $75. The book is an updated and expanded edition of a 2001 version called Leaps & Bounds: Moving Ahead with the DuPont Legal Model. To order or for more information, visit www. or call Diane Nowak-Waring at (410) 626-0805.