DC Bar: European Union Law Fundamentals

The District of Columbia Bar Association is offering a class titled The Fundamentals of European Union Law.

The course starts at 6:00 p.m. and ends at 9:15 p.m.on Wednesday, October 26, at the District of Columbia Bar Conference Center at 1101 K. Street, NW in Washington, DC.

Any practitioner with clients in Europe will benefit from this practical introduction to the European Union (EU). The course will explain EU institutions, lawmaking process and the EU court system. It will help attendees understand the complexities of the legislative and legal process and highlight the role and powers of EU legislative and judicial institutions. The faculty will explain and provide practical examples to illustrate the differences between EU regulations, directives, decisions, resolutions, common positions and joint actions. Participants will also learn how the legal system operates to protect EU policies and what that means for those doing business in Europe.

The speaker is Nicholas Karambelas of Sfikas & Karambelas LLP.

For information see CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at www.metrocorpcounsel.com.

For further information and to register, visit www.dcbar.org or call (202) 626-3488.