The firm of Brown Raysman Millstein Felder & Steiner LLP this month is offering three additional programs in its fall series of breakfast seminars on issues of interest to corporate counsel.
All sessions take place at the Brown Raysman offices, 900 Third Avenue, 21st Floor, New York City. Each session runs from 8:30 to 10 a.m., with registration starting at 8 a.m. Panelists are attorneys from Brown Raysman.
The latest seminars will be presented according to the following schedule:
- Wednesday, November 3, Mediation: Motivations, Methods and Management, with Richard Reice, Joseph Pastore and Michael Shannon as speakers;
- Wednesday, November 10, Employment Law in Europe: What U.S. Companies Need to Know, with Beverly Garofalo as speaker;
- Wednesday, November 17, Protecting Investments in Closely Held Corporations, with speakers still to be announced.
For details on available CLE credits, see the Bulletin Board now located on our website at www.metrocorpcounsel .com.
To register for any of the programs, call Eileen Fox at (212) 895-2372 or e-mail [email protected].