A luncheon seminar, entitled Cross-Border Sales and Purchases of Real Estate,the second in a series dealing with important U.S. issues in cross-border real estate transactions, will be presented from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 26 at the offices of Arent Fox PLLC, 1675 Broadway, 34th Floor, New York City.
Partner James R. Silkenat, former chair, American Bar Association Section of International Law, will moderate the discussion, which will highlight cross-border differences in contracting, pricing, valuation, legal constraints and regulatory concerns. Common problems and customary solutions will be explored and discussed, including broker compensation issues and title/survey matters.
Speakers include Robert A.B. Baraf and Scott Latham of Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.; Gerard Leval, partner at Arent Fox PLLC in Washington, DC, and Karen F. Candreva, partner at Arent Fox PLLC in New York City.
There is no charge for the seminar.Lunch will be served and CLE credit will be available.To reply, contact Arleen McDermott at (212) 492-3293.