Advanced Corporate Immigration Law Conference: Issues for Attorneys, In-House Counsel & Human Resource Personnel has been scheduled by the NJICLE to take place on Wednesday, November 19 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Seton Hall University Law School, Newark.
The luncheon speaker will be Marshall Fitz, AILA. He will be joined by a faculty to include Neil S. Dornbaum, Dornbaum & Peregoy, LLC; Chuck Liptz, director, Employer Wage Reporting and Relations Staff, Social Security; Harry Sheinfeld, counsel for litigation, Division of Employment Training Legal Services, Officer of the Solicitor, USDOL; Margaret A. Catillaz, Harter, Secrest & Emery, LLP;Michelle Funk, Duane Morris LLP;and David H. Nachman, Nachman & Associates, PC.
As the world becomes smaller as a result of globalization, and competition for skilled workers and talent increases, employers in all industries have learned that the ability to compete depends on the ability to hire the best, no matter what their country of nationality. As a result, this trend has placed increased importance on corporate immigration lawyers and accordingly, their knowledge of the most current trends and developments in this constantly evolving area of law.
The conference will explore in depth labor certification, motion to reconsider and BALCA caselaw, how the November elections will affect the legislative agenda, employment verification (DHS, ICE, SS, Wage & Hour), and how to conduct an internal/external, I-9 audit.
For details on registration fees and available CLE credits, see CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at
To register call (732) 214-8500 or visit