ACC's Focus On Diversity Shines Through At Annual Meeting

For over 20 years, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) has served the needs of the in-house legal community, offering valuable services and resources, local and international networking opportunities, and advancements in standards for corporate legal practice. As one of its major commitments, the association strives to promote diversity both among its membership and in the legal profession as a whole. This year, ACC's Annual Meeting (October 25-27, Sheraton Chicago) will showcase diversity in the in-house profession with its multifaceted theme "The New Face of In-house Counsel."

ACC's Annual Meeting is the largest yearly gathering of in-house counsel offering high quality programs focused on the in-house practice. With over 100 CLE sessions across 12 tracks of programming, there is something for every in-house counsel, from those new to the in-house profession to practice area specialists and general counsel. Plus, Annual Meeting sessions are developed by over 300 expert, in-house faculty, specifically for their in-house peers, so attendees receive specialized education on a broad range of topics.

At the Annual Meeting, you will not only find experienced counsel, but a diverse group of speakers who represent a wide range of industries and practice areas. The program will feature J. Alberto Gonzalez-Pita, Vice PresidentÑInternational Legal, Regulatory, and External Affairs of BellSouth International, Inc., Juan Carlos Mencio, General Counsel, N.A. of LanChile Airlines, and Karen Randall, Executive Vice President & General Counsel of Universal Studios, Inc. speaking on "Global Law Department Design & Service Models: What Companies Are Doing." Other programs include "Law Department Alignment with Company Goals" with George W. Madison, Executive Vice President & General Counsel of TIAA-CREF and Andrea L. Zopp, Senior Vice President & General Counsel of Sears, Roebuck and Co. and "Leadership Skills for New General Counsel & Managing Attorneys" with N. Cornell Boggs, III, Vice President and General Counsel of Tyco Plastics & Adhesives and Michelle Coleman Mayes, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Pitney Bowes.

ACC also partners each year with numerous bars of color; most recently the Hispanic National Bar Association, Minority Corporate Counsel Association, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), National Bar Association, and others. This year, NAPABA will present "Whistle While You Work: Ethical, Fiduciary, & Other Dilemmas Facing Over-SOX'ed In-house Lawyers" featuring minority in-house attorneys from Cingular Wireless LLC, IKON Office Solutions, Inc., and Texas Instruments Incorporated. With the help of our partnering organizations and members, ACC is proud to feature a diverse group of speakers each and every year; with over 35 percent women and over 15 percent minorities making up the speaker pool, the association truly is an equal opportunity educator.

To top it all off, James R. Jenkins, Senior Vice President & General Counsel of Deere & Company will become ACC's first minority chair. According to Veta Richardson, Executive Director of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA), "I am thrilled that 2004 marks several very important milestones for the legal profession. In 2004, we celebrate the landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education. We also mark the first time in our nation's history that the leaders of our two most influential bar associations will be led by people of color. Dennis Archer's term as ABA President ends in August, then the incoming ABA President will be Robert Grey, and in October, Jim Jenkins will be the first minority to be elected chair of the Association of Corporate Counsel. MCCA looks forward to supporting the success of their terms as leaders however we can!"

ACC's 2004 Annual Meeting will truly embrace diversity with its commitment to high quality education, expanded networking opportunities, and strong relationships with the legal community at large. Frederick J. Krebs, President of ACC, states that, "We are a strong and vibrant association because of the dedication and commitment of our leaders and members who contribute their time and talent. We believe in diversity and inclusion for the simple reason that it makes us better. We are proud of what we have accomplished and yet we will strive to improve in the future."

ACC's 2004 Annual Meeting promises to bring in-house counsel the best educational and networking experience possible! In-house counsel interested in registering for this event should visit ACC's website at to review the full schedule of events. Questions regarding this event can be directed to an ACC staff member at 202.293.4103, ext. 350; education@acca. com. You won't want to miss this opportunity!