The Association of the Bar of the City of New Yorkís (ABCNY) City Bar Fund has a new name, The City Bar Justice Center, and a new logo.
The City Bar Justice Center is the pro bono affiliate of the Association of the Bar. Having established relationships with government, nonprofit and academic legal institutions, with corporations and private law firms of all sizes, and with bar associations locally, nationally and internationally, the City Bar Justice Center has the unique ability to bring together all segments of the bar to collaboratively address legal needs, according to the Association of the Bar.
By harnessing resources from the legal profession, the City Bar Justice Center annually provides direct legal representation, information, and advocacy to 25,000 poor and vulnerable New Yorkers from all five boroughs. Clients include immigrants, battered women, the homeless, the elderly, cancer survivors, consumers filing for bankruptcy, struggling small businesses and those in need who cannot otherwise access legal resources. The Center recruits trains and mentors volunteer attorneys to provide advice and representation; offers a legal telephone hotline; assists clients proceeding without representation in divorce and consumer bankruptcy matters, and educates the public on legal issues. Through the CityBar Public Service Network, the Center catalyzes lawyers to serve the public and their profession by providing the means and opportunities to do pro bono legal and non-legal projects.