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Artificial Intelligence

AI in Legal Bill Review: Finding the Best Among the Rest

With the current focus on artificial intelligence (AI) as one of the biggest trends in legal technology, it is not surprising that more companies are now touting the AI capabilities of their bill review solutions.

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Legal Operations

Are Minimum Annual Billing Requirements Causing Spikes in EOY Legal Spend?

Nathan Cemenska, director of legal operations and industry insights with Wolters Kluwer's ELM Solutions, offers his thoughts on annual billing requirements, EOY legal spend and their place in legal operations.

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Legal Operations

The Legal Spend Guessing Game

The corporate law department budgeting process can be a guessing game—here’s how you can use that to your advantage.

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Legal Services

Expectations For the Legal Industry Moving Forward

Jonah Paransky, executive vice president and general manager of Wolters Kluwer’s ELM Solutions, reflects on the effects COVID-19 will have on the legal industry moving forward, as it relates to diversity, alternative legal service providers, and what he’s both concerned and excited for looking ahead.

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Legal Operations

It’s Time for Corporate Law Departments to Spend More on Tech

Legal professionals require legal tech solutions designed to meet their needs.

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A Contract Lifecycle Management Tool That Meets Your Needs

Keep these 10 key requirements in mind when selecting a CLM solution for your organization.

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Legal Tech

As ELM Platforms Mature, Law Departments Gain Ground On Business Goals

Jonah Paransky, executive vice president of Wolters Kluwer ELM Solutions, discusses the ways that the role of general counsel has evolved in recent years to accommodate the growing emphasis on legal ops, and how new technology can help legal departments maximize their impact while minimizing costs.

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