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Avoid The Rainy Day: Survey Of U.S. Cloud Computing Caselaw

Cloud computing, a computer networking model that gives users on-demand access to shared software applications and data storage, is becoming increasingly popular among businesses and individuals. For example, if you use Google's Gmail for email and calendaring, Snapfish for online photo sharing...

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New Year Corporate Housekeeping: Your Employee Handbook

As your company settles into the new year, it is the perfect time to consider reviewing and updating your employee handbook or, if your company does not currently have a handbook, to prepare and implement one. There are many considerations to keep in mind as you undertake this process. Section...

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Virtual Crimes - Real Damages: Challenges Posed By Cybercrimes In The United States

Introduction A dangerous aspect of the Internet Age is cybercrime. As technology advances, so do the criminals. For American businesses and government, the cost of these attacks can be staggering. "Cybercrime," a term used to describe criminal activity conducted through the Internet, began...

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Your Domain: Trademark And Copyright Issues In The Online Marketplace

Editor: Please describe your practice. Hamburg: I have been practicing law for 20 years, and for about 15 of those years my focus has been exclusively on intellectual property and, specifically, trademarks and copyrights. I handle both transactional work and litigation. Editor: What are some of...

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ADR - On The Highest Authority

Editor: What are the benefits that accrue in having a corporate dispute resolution mechanism in place? Dreier: An ADR-sensitive group within or affiliated with the litigation department is indispensible to reining in litigation costs. Over 95 percent of litigated cases settle. Trained...

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As Local As Local Law Gets: Navigating New Jersey's Unique Legal Landscape

You arrive at your desk and the day starts like any other - dialing your voicemail while simultaneously typing an email. But today, you notice that a new file has been added to your mountain of work. "New Jersey?!?" you shout. "We do business in New Jersey?" You collect yourself and acknowledge...

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A Practitioner Looks At The Current State Of eDiscovery

This interview focuses on the approach set forth in the Final Report of the Joint Project of the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) and the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) and in the Pilot Project Rules of the IAALS. Editor: Please describe some...

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