Peter A. Halprin
Anderson Kill
Peter A. Halprin is a shareholder in Anderson Kill's New York office. His practice concentrates in commercial litigation and insurance recovery, exclusively on behalf of policyholders. He has arbitrated, litigated and mediated claims involving a broad range of insurance policies and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in insurance proceeds for policyholders.
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Recently by Peter A. Halprin
Risk managers face disputes involving reimbursement for the liabilities of captives in the re-insurance market.
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The More the Merrier? Increase in multiparty arbitrations spawns new institutional rules
Over the last several years, the world’s leading arbitral institutions have adopted new rules, recognizing that the growth in international arbitration has been accompanied by the increasing complexity and sophistication of disputes. Institutional statistics reveal increases in...
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Arbitration Clauses Can Make Dispute Resolution Arbitrary
The outcome of an arbitration can be determined by choice-of-law provisions and other clauses that dictate who may serve as an arbitrator and how the proceedings must be conducted. This is particularly true in the context of insurance coverage litigation, which often turns upon which state’...
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