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Responding To The Critics: A Leader Of The Profession Points To Substantial Progress In Diversity

Editor: Mr. McLean, Akin Gump's commitment to diversity and to a culture of inclusiveness is celebrated across the country. This did not just happen. Would you tell us about how this commitment originated and how it has evolved over time? McLean: The firm's commitment to diversity is deeply...

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eBay, Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C.: Permanent Injunctions For Patent Infringement Are No Longer Automatic

In May 2006 a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in eBay, Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C., saying that patentees must satisfy the traditional four-factor test before a court can grant permanent injunctive relief for patent infringement. eBay, Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C., 126 S. Ct. 1837...

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Akin Gump's Beijing Office: At The Crossroads Of Law And Public Policy

Editor: Mr. Cutler, would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Cutler: Most of our professionals at Akin Gump are either lawyers or people with a background in politics and public policy, but I am both. I have been a practicing lawyer for more than 25 years and...

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Unsettled Law Of Secondary Actor Liability Under Rule 10b-5 Raises Concerns For Attorneys - Part II

In re In In re, Inc., plaintiffs alleged that Homestore entered into a series of sham transactions with various third-party vendors for products or services that Homestore did not need.1 The third-party vendors would then contract with AOL Time Warner for advertising...

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A Growing Population: Morbid Obesity And The ADA

We have all seen the statistics. The waistlines of Americans are growing at a faster and larger rate than ever. Indeed, not only are Americans becoming more and more overweight, but the amount by which they are overweight is increasing at a rapid pace. The growth of American waistlines is a...

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Unsettled Law Of Secondary Actor Liability Under Rule 10b-5 Raises Concerns For Attorneys - Part I

In 1994 the U.S. Supreme Court provided some comfort to attorneys, accountants, investment bankers and other corporate advisors through its holding in Central Bank of Denver , which provided that the securities laws do not allow a private right of action for aiding and abetting violations of...

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The Eastern District Of Texas: A Magnet For Patent Litigation

Editor: Please tell our readers about your background and career experience. Perez: I have been involved in patent litigation for 19 years. I met Sanford at Jones Day, where we practiced together in the 1990s, representing Texas Instruments and others in patent litigation. I have litigated in...

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