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Energy | Oil & Gas | Renewable Energy

The Certainty of Uncertainty: Energy players fume and fret, but the game is always fueled by price

Fossil fuels continue to drive the economy, but operators are under increasing pressure from governments and the public, who have questions about fracking and other unconventional extraction methods as they relate to seismic activity. Akin Gump partner David Sweeney, an industry expert who built a...

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Energy | Renewable Energy

FERC Enforcement is (Kinda) Alive and Well: But a new commission will mean changes for the energy regulator

As an independent administrative agency, FERC is immune to fast change from a new administration – sort of. With three commission slots to be filled in 2017, including the agency chair, FERC will change, and likely so will some of its enforcement priorities. Akin partner David Applebaum,...

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Amid Much Uncertainty, Hope for Medtech Innovation: New Administration and Congress positioned to drive innovation in medical technology

It seems clear that great changes for healthcare in general and medical innovation in particular are in the offing with the new administration. But whether those changes will be beneficial or detrimental – let alone cataclysmic – is anyone’s guess. Akin Gump healthcare specialists...

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International Trade

Higher Walls, Lower Barriers?: Export Control Reform means promise and problems for aerospace and defense companies

The Obama administration’s plunge into wholesale reform of the export control system has been a bearish endeavor. While much has been done, much remains on the next administration’s to-do list. Thomas J. McCarthy, who heads Akin Gump’s international trade practice, discusses the...

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Class Action

Master a New Specialty: Class Actions: Leading litigator offers lessons for managing — and defeating — class actions

Introduction: Facing a class action suit is one of the C-suite’s greatest fears. Neal Marder of Akin Gump, a litigator with nearly 20 years of class action experience, speaks to whether those worries are merited, describing the factors driving the active California courts, the climate...

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Gaming | Hospitality

Hospitality Investors Adjust to Shifting Realities: As ownership and operations diverge and hard assets are privatized, millennials drive growth

Introduction: The hospitality industry is undergoing profound transformation. The big brands no longer own their properties, global money is chasing safety in the U.S., Airbnb continues to disrupt, and the massive millennial cohort is shunning white glove amenities for smaller rooms and better WiFi...

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Private Equity

SEC Cracks Down on Broker-Dealer Registration: Private equity fund advisers are being held accountable for in-house transactions

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has begun pursuing transaction-based compensation paid to private equity fund advisers relating to portfolio company transactions as illegal brokerage commissions. It continues to target the advisers’ undisclosed use of client fund capital,...

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