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Energy | Renewable Energy

Are Government-Incentivized Renewable Energy Programs Hanging In The Breeze?

Climate change concerns drove a populist push to expand the use of renewables in the energy sector, and governments worldwide have largely incentivized the industry’s expansion in recent years. The question is, would the loss of tax incentives take the wind out of the renewable energy...

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Energy | Oil & Gas | Renewable Energy

The Certainty of Uncertainty: Energy players fume and fret, but the game is always fueled by price

Fossil fuels continue to drive the economy, but operators are under increasing pressure from governments and the public, who have questions about fracking and other unconventional extraction methods as they relate to seismic activity. Akin Gump partner David Sweeney, an industry expert who built a...

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Energy | Renewable Energy

FERC Enforcement is (Kinda) Alive and Well: But a new commission will mean changes for the energy regulator

As an independent administrative agency, FERC is immune to fast change from a new administration – sort of. With three commission slots to be filled in 2017, including the agency chair, FERC will change, and likely so will some of its enforcement priorities. Akin partner David Applebaum,...

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