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Antitrust And Labor Litigation In The Pro Sports Arena

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Meyer: I’ve been a litigator and trial lawyer at Weil Gotshal for my whole career, which has spanned a little over 26 years. I focus on general complex commercial litigation, and I also do a fair amount of intellectual property....

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Entertainment | Sports | Telecommunications

First Amendment v. The Right Of Publicity: The Game Is On!

While watching a child’s friend play a video game, Ed O'Bannon, the star of UCLA’s 1995 championship basketball team, recognized himself as one of the avatars featured in the game. O’Bannon observed of the avatar, “It didn’t have my name, but it had my...

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Entertainment | Sports

Dominican Republic Law Provides Significant Incentives To Film Industry

Almost 40 years ago, director Francis Ford Coppola went to the Dominican Republic to film the memorable Cuba scenes for The Godfather: Part II. As hospitable as the country was to the director, his crew and the actors at that time, things have gotten even better. The film industry in the...

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