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A Challenging Environment: Demand for specialized expertise grows with complexity of disputes in UK and Europe

MCC: Cornerstone Research recently opened an office in London. What prompted this move? Meehan: London is one of the significant litigation markets outside of the United States, and it was important for us to be here to address European litigation and regulatory matters for our clients’...

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Banking | Financial Institutions | Finance

Leading Offshore Firm: The Inside View on the Cayman Islands Jurisdiction

Editor: Please describe the current environment for Cayman Islands investment fund structures. Isbister: The current environment for Cayman Islands investment fund structures is the best it has been since the end of the global financial crisis. We are seeing a number of new quality start-up...

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Banking | Finance

Market Trends in Middle-Market Leveraged Financing Transactions

MCC: Please give us a 2014 market recap for middle-market leveraged finance transactions. Hong: 2014 continued to be a year that generally favored borrowers and private equity sponsors, and terms in the loan transactions became increasingly more borrower and sponsor friendly. Many elements...

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