The law firm Thompson Hine sports a tagline: “Always Innovating.” Sounds exhausting, right?
Maybe that’s why they paused recently to gauge the state of innovation in the legal market. The firm, which commissioned interviews with 183 in-house counsel and senior business execs, led with a general question: How much innovation have you seen from your law firms over the past three years? The answers were “eye-opening.”
Ouch. More than 9 of 10 surveyed said they see little or no innovation from their outside counsel. (We bet 9 of 10 Big Law websites bandy about the word “innovation” quite freely.) “For the in-house community,” the survey concludes, “innovation remains an unkept promise.” For more from “Closing the Innovation Gap,” see the charts below about spending and budgets. Download the full survey at
Published January 11, 2019.